Hi, I’m Freya. I am your classic pony mad kid who turned it into a job. I grew up with a mother who would only let us have ponies if we were 100% dedicated to them and their welfare had to come above anything else. Looking back, I’m proud at the values she instilled. Horses come first, it is our responsibility to give them the highest quality of care. No matter what.
After years of on and off riding, ownership, loans, lessons and working around horses, I chose to go to University to work towards an Equine based degree. I’m not going to lie, the learning was a side line to the freedom and new life offered by leaving home. And its the best choice I ever made.
I studied BSc Equine Studies with Behaviour and Nutrition. I didn’t know at the time, but I couldn’t have chosen a more fitting course for my interests and future.
After completing my degree I went and worked on a hunting and dealing yard, that gave me a new perspective of knowing your horse and what hard work really was. But it also killed my love of riding.
This spurred me on to find an alternative to yard based work. At this point I found the Saddlery course at Capel Manor College. After waiting a year to start, my saddlery journey began. Capel Manor College teaches an intensive and high quality course designed to give you all the skills as a Bridle, Saddle, Harness and Leathergoods Maker. It is here I learned how to make beautiful things and appreciate the skill and time that goes into hand made items.
At the end of the course, I was offered an apprenticeship at David Dyer Saddles alongside one of my friends and colleagues from Capel. At this point I knew nothing of saddle fitting and just wanted to be a bench saddler. But a turn of events took me out fitting with David and I couldn’t go back.
Working at David Dyer Saddles was hard, educational, fun, like a family and did I say hard? Wow, it was HARD. But would I be the fitter I am today without it? No. David never shied away from sharing his knowledge, or his access to training. Not many bosses would’ve given me the opportunities David did. And I will always be grateful. After 5 rollercoaster years, I branched off and became self employed. I still work with David Dyer Saddles as a stock provider along with seven other fitters. It works for all of us. I have the freedom for my family and life, and the stock to offer customers the best service, and they still get to see lots of me!
I have amazing friends, colleagues and experiences through saddlery and saddle fitting. It’s a career I’m so happy I found.
Freya is passionate about sharing her knowledge to empower her clients to make the best decisions for themselves and their horses/ponies.
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